My Navy Journey

For Amazon and Google Voice Assistants

Aerial view of Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices

The Navy's Voice Assistant

With the My Navy Journey Skill through Amazon Alexa or Google Voice Assistant, you can learn what life is like as a Sailor at your own pace with the help of Chief Jones, the Navy's virtual guide. All you need to use the experience is a smart device and your voice.


Career Match

Take our 10-question career aptitude quiz to get matched up with the best Navy career (AKA "rate") category for you. Just say "Career Quiz" within the app to get started.

Boot Camp Prep

Get personalized info on Boot Camp fitness requirements and watch Navy Fit workout videos on your video-enabled device. Just say "Physical Training" within the app to get started.


Take our practice standardized test to up your study skills in science, mathematics and more. This could improve your ASVAB test scores, which help determine your eligibility for specific Navy enlisted careers. Just say "Prepare to Join" within the app to get started.

Get Answers For Your Questions

Receive answers to your most important questions about life as a Sailor from a virtual Navy recruiter. Try questions like:

  • "What is boot camp like?"
  • "How long are you away from home in the Navy?"
  • "Can I go to college while I’m in the Navy?"
  • "How does the Navy transfer into the civilian world after service?"
  • "Do I have to cut my hair short in the Navy?"
  • "Can you have tattoos in the Navy?"
  • "What will my timeline look like for joining?"
  • "How long is a Navy contract?"
  • "What is different about the Navy versus other military branches?"
  • "Should I join the Navy before or after college?"
  • "What is it like living on base?"
  • "What is it like living on a ship?"
  • "Do I have to know how to swim to join the Navy?"

Get Started

Once you’ve downloaded the Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant app, you can enable the My Navy Journey skill in a snap.

Amazon Alexa

After downloading the app, go to “Skills" in the app menu, search for Navy, and tap "Enable." Then say “Alexa, start My Navy Journey” to get started.

apple app store buttongoogle play store button


Google Assistant

After downloading the app, just say “Ok Google, talk to My Navy Journey” to start.

apple app store buttongoogle play store button


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